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Part 3 – The Place Penang Art Society Stands

Malaysia has many different social societies but not all have lasted more than 20 years. Penang Art Society has beena very special example whereby it took each and every of its leaders’ passion, persistence, perseverance, and mostimportantly vision to come this far (and further). For the past 60 years, Penang Art Society has not only done what everyother art society would do to survive time, it has also got its journey engraved onto the history of arts in Malaysia and hasbecome the core in Penang’s art development, which is discussed as below:

One – The Pioneer in Setting Local Art Personality


Xu Jie once mentioned in his editor’s words in the 10th issueof Ku Dao, “One does not need to go very far for ideas andinspirations in Nanyang because it has its own history, peopleand culture, and landscapes and sceneries. Instead, whatyou need to do is just stop and pick it up from wherever youare because they are everywhere you go. For instance, wesee coconut trees, spacious field, wooden houses and bullockcarts in our mind when we think about Nanyang. These arethe Nanyang personalities! Capture these and you producea good piece of work.” And that was how the idea of ‘beinglocal’ came about when it comes to arts and literature.


Unlike the artworks by the Chinese immigrants who firstcame to Nanyang during early 20th century, their paintingsremained very ‘Chinese’ - local personality was almostabsent; and the ones who graduated from Europe aftertheir further studies were very much into oil painting, andonly occasionally, some paintings of Chinese streets or Malayportraits were seen. Even Xu Bei Hong who came from Chinato Penang to support the fundraising activities was also atraditional Chinese ink painter. His works did not really playthe role in inspiring the artists in producing artwork with localessences or so called ‘local flavour’.


Prior to World War II, Yong Mun Sen, Lee Cheng Yong, Kuo JuPing and Chuah Thean Teng were among the ones who hadtouched people with their passion in painting and sharingthe energy of the equator. They made this tropical paradisevisible to many eyes and got them mesmerised by the beautyof paddy fields and beautiful beaches with coconut treesand stilt houses, something which was very different from thewater colour painting and Victorian-style oil painting by BritishColonial Government in 18th century. Not only had theseNanyang paintings projected unique personality, they alsodid a very good job in reflecting the living culture and vividlyexpressed the colourfulness of Nanyang.


In 1936, the committee of Yin Yin Art Circle was very openmindedwhen selecting artworks - they accepted paintingsfrom east and west, regardless traditional or modern, anddifferent styles of presentation for the exhibition. Hence thesaid exhibition showed various subjects and topics of artpieces, especially in oil painting, water colour painting andcarving. These works surprised many people with its truelocal personality - landscape and scenery painting havedisplayed Malay ‘Kampung’ (village) lifestyle – banana trees,coconut trees, wooden huts, white sandy beaches, as well astraditional stilt houses. The portraiture paintings demonstratedthe reflection of daily livings – Malays, Indians, people in publicplaces and crowds. Although the artists were not very strongin portraying such indigenous identity but what took placeduring the 30s were very encouraging – outdoor sketching,which had promoted the idea of ‘pick up what you see andpaint a story with your feelings’. These artists have successfullycarried out a very different kind of style in portraying the truepersonality of Nanyang artist and known as the forerunner.

Two – Setting a Regional Personality


Environmental issues and infusing arts into daily life havebeen the centre of attention lately. Nanyang, with itsstrategic location of east meets west and rich in cultureand ethnicity, is an ideal place for artists to unleash theirpotentials. Most importantly, art associations and theunity of all artists play a very critical role in igniting andcultivating the art culture in its people. Thus what bothhave achieved was: the migrated Chinese artists weregiven a hope and positive expectation in creating anew direction in arts, with unique personality.


Penang Art Society is the only art society that haswitnessed how Malaysia has progressed since pre-war.It also has the undivided tie and connection with thegrowth of how Chinese society in Penang has achieved.


In 2011, Penang Art Society made a giant leap over thewatershed in the history of arts in Malaysia – it switchedits previous limitation in recruiting only Chinese membersto open to Malaysian of all races. On top of that, PenangTwo – Setting a Regional PersonalityArt Society also accepts foreign artists as a mean ofachieving cultural and skill exchange. This is definitelyan important milestone in the development of artsbecause it not only responded eagerly to the country’smulticultural policy but also reflected how Malaysian arthas always been multiracial.


As Penang Art Society enters its 60 years celebration thisyear, it continues to maintain its steady steps in persistingthe original objectives – to promote arts, conductexhibitions, and connect and support all artists. It wasfounded by a group of painters, poets, calligraphersand freelance entrepreneurs 60 years ago and todayconsists not only artists (both well experienced andamateurs), but also art collectors and art lovers today.Penang Art Society projects not only a positive image inpromoting arts, but also in showing how dedication andcommitment have been the present as the commonquality of all its past, present and future leaders - just likethe lyrics of its society’s anthem.

© 2014 Penang Art Society 

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