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Penang Art Society

We all want to live in a society that is peaceful and safe. It may seem to be an easy prerequisite but this ideal aim is so fragile that it seems so near yet so far. The fundamental understanding of respect and trust between race and religions must be strong and healthy. Since Malaysia gained its independence in 1957, this country has seen its ups and downs but we should be proud of what we have achieved today. It is not an easy task to have different races and various religions living together. Through the years, this invisible respect and understanding has created a sense of pride for being Malaysians as the formation of ‘culture’ in this country slowly evolves.
Penang Art Society is currently the oldest registered art society in Malaysia since independence and this year it is celebrating its 60th birthday. The society was created by artists who had the vision and passion in creating, preserving and promoting local Malaysian arts and cultural art that includes visual art, calligraphy, poetry, feng shui, bonsai, stone carving, stage performance, etc. It was a society built by artists themselves through the donation from the public and also kind people abroad, especially from China. Today, 60 years later and after 3 presidents, the society has an impressive membership of more than 400 and growing.
As the 4th President of Penang Art Society, it is an honour for me to lead this organisation into the next chapter. At the same time it a challenge to promote Malaysian arts and culture as one rather than individual categories.
Arts and culture are very interesting fields that truly carry the Malaysian spirit as artistes have moved beyond the race and religion segregations. We do not identify ourselves as Chinese, Malay nor Indian artistes but rather just Malaysian Artiste or just simply Artiste. In short, art and culture have no borders and artistes are creators in their own rightful ways. All creations are special and unique as long as it is well thought through with a creative concept and a sincere heart.
The art scenes in our neighbouring countries have flourished and currently the visual art market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Overall, consumers today have higher expectations in life and the acceptance of all forms of art is very encouraging in Malaysia. However we need to understand that the underlying success stories depends greatly on the support of each and every Malaysians to help in the creation, promotion, collection or even just be proud of it being a Malaysian work of art. Malaysia may be slow in the world art scene but this gem has been discovered but yet to be thoroughly polished. United we stand and we will be strong, then this gem will shine.
What started as a small art society in Penang, after 6 decades Penang Art Society today houses both Malaysian artists from all over Malaysia and has opened its doors to foreign artists living in the country. I am proud to be a part of the society’s success story and I am sure this society will carry on playing an important role in the Malaysian art scene. The society would not have come this far without support from the public, the artists and the art lovers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have, in one way or another, helped build the Penang Art Society and to urge both the private and government sector to continue the support of arts and culture in Malaysia. Arts and culture are important elements for a country as they are the ultimate identity of a nation.
Life is a piece of art, enjoy the journey.
Ch’ng Huck Theng
President, Penang Art Society
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